Thursday, December 27, 2007

Feelings Are The Secret To Manifesting Your Desires

Everything is energy. This includes all that you can see, smell, taste and touch and all that you can imagine. Your thoughts and feelings are also energy formations. Everything is energy and therefore everything is in a state of vibration.

Positive, enthusiastic, expectant feelings raise your vibration and it's this higher level of vibration that brings all good things to you. Feelings are what infuse your thoughts with infinite power.

It's the feeling that transforms mere words into energy. If a thought were represented by an automobile, the feeling would be the high-octane fuel that powers it. You can take any fine car available today and without the fuel, it's not much more than an expensive piece of machinery sitting in your driveway. Feelings give thoughts the power they need to create.

Feelings help to speed up the manifestation process. Repeatedly visualize something you want over and over again and don't let up until it's yours. That's how you manifest things in your life. But if you want to reach any goal or achieve any condition sooner, add strong feelings to your visualization. Ignite your thoughts with intense, positive emotions. It's these feelings that breathe life into any goal, objective or aspiration.

Simply add empowering feelings to whatever it is you want - that's the key. Whenever you feel enthusiasm, joy, laughter, love, gratitude, or a sense of fulfillment - you're adding high-vibrational energy to the mix. These positive, high-powered feelings generate a dynamic current of energy and the stronger the energy field, the stronger your powers of manifestation.

It's those high-vibrational energies that you want to create often to live life on your own terms. Once you experience the sensations, stay within that feeling mode for as long as you can. Don't become attached to the outcome or the 'thing' that you want. Instead, reach for a better, more-empowered feeling and as you stay in the feeling, the energy continues to expand.

Your feelings are magnetic. Whatever you think and feel in your life is what you manifest. Thoughts and feelings are vibrational energy. Focus on what you want. Feel the love, appreciation and joy of having it now and it's that energy that draws whatever you want to you.

1 comment:

Adele said...


Just a quick final last chance reminder to remind you to check out the video below...

==> How to Force the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Life

Also, at the end of the video you'll be given the opportunity to get a copy of the Manifestation Miracle system, which I highly recommend.

This system virtually puts the law of attraction on autopilot allowing you to use the Destiny Tuning Principle (which is explained in the video) to 'Tune' your destiny, into one of prosperity, happiness, love and more.

Watch this video and make sure you join Manifestation Miracle:

==> Number 1 secret to manifest your dream life

Many people don't realize there is a great big hole in the law of attraction which might be sabotaging your manifestation efforts.

Many people around the world are living their dream lives and you can be one of them, once you discover this missing ingredient.

Follow this link to discover the missing ingredient and manifest abundance, wealth, health, love and more...

==> Click here to discover this secret

I only ask that you use this secret with good intentions and an abundant mindset.

Kind regards,

Enjoy and have a great day!